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5 Reasons to Have the Team Over

Written by Jordan Snider | Jan 26, 2017 10:00:53 AM

Having an sports team squished into your living room might not be your idea of a dream evening, but it could be just what the team needs.

Sports teams are about way more than just sports. As a team player, you know this, of course you do, but are you putting it into action? Are you using your time and energy to build strong relationships both during and after games? If not, it might be time you invited the whole team over for pizza and a movie. Here’s why:

It’s All About the Bonding

Strong teams are built on strong friendships. With team members coming and going over the years, it’s important to make sure the team gels well even when key players have moved on. The best way to do this is to invest time in getting to know each and every player. Spending time as a team can help you all to get to know each other and build strong bonds which will make you an even stronger team next time you’re on the field.

It’s Extra Curricular

Ok, you don’t need to do it. You can see people at practice and still enjoy a healthy friendship, but it might be worth putting in that little bit of extra effort. It could give you an edge over the other teams. The team who eats pizza together, scores together… or something like that. Go the extra mile for your team by being the first to host a get together. It could be a pizza night or more of a party, whatever floats your boat. Just as long as it’s your team socializing together, it fits the bill.

It’s a Bit of Light Relief

You know what’s stressful? Sports season. There are well-earned scores, near misses and plenty of defeats. Every team member is under pressure to perform their best at every opportunity. On top of all that, there are school deadlines, part-time jobs and family commitments. It isn’t easy being a young sports player. Adding some team social dates to your diary gives everyone the chance to relax. It gives the team a chance to laugh about the near misses, celebrate the victories and talk each other up.

You’ll Get to Know Your Team Better

You know which player is great on defense and who can run faster than anyone else, but how well do you really know your teammates? This is your chance to get up close and personal. Find out what makes them tick. Let them get to know you better. This will strengthen your relationship both during and after game time.

It’ll Get the Ball Rolling

If regular team social events aren’t common, it’s up to you to change that. Take the initiative. Invite everybody, host the first event and show them how it’s done. Then pass on the baton. It doesn’t always have to happen at your house. Team gatherings can happen anywhere, but this is your chance to get everybody involved. Make it fun and the next one will plan itself. Go on, what are you waiting for?