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How Do Circus Arts Bolster Educational Skills?

Written by Jordan Snider | Apr 13, 2018 9:00:29 AM

“Studies show that movement and stimulation of balance helps attentional disorders and improves reading.” C. Hannaford Ph.D

EclipseArts of England, shares some thought-provoking insights on how a circus arts instruction could enhance academic skills.  Their line of thought intimates that because juggling utilizes the part of the brain that processes visual/motion information, this may actually increase grey matter in those areas.

“Children get a great cardio-vascular and pulmonary work-out when they juggle scarves, exercising the big muscles close to the head and close to the heart.” Dave Finnigan.

That's another reason for encouraging your child who may not be interested in traditional sporting activities to try circus arts.

Interestingly enough, when juggling, both the left and right hand sides of the brain are engaged. "The left hand brain is responsible for procedures, logic, maths, and gets a very thorough work-out from analysing where to aim that next throw, or where the hand should be positioned to catch it. The right hand, or creative side, is responsible for turning juggling into an art – choreographing tricks into routines, remembering to smile! This is the same for all manipulation skills. They get our brains working holistically and sharpen focus, which leads to improvement in academic performance."

For students who are not comfortable with traditional sports or academic regimens, circus arts is an innovative and experiential arena for them to explore their unique abilities at their own pace.

Read more:  Educational Benefits of Circus Skills

Image Credit:  Deposit Photos