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Goals and Commitment from Salt Lake City

Written by Jordan Snider | Feb 10, 2015 11:31:32 AM

My training has recently been upped to 8 hours a day, 6 days a week. I have learned a lot about my commitment to sport and commitment to myself.

I set goals for myself, and understand that I can do a lot to help myself achieve these goals.

It is important for our young athletes to begin to set goals for themselves; both long and short term. These goals should be specific, as vague goals allow for slips.


My personal goals are clear-cut. I have a specific time I want to achieve. I will get this chance at the upcoming nationals in March, at Madison, WI.

Goals must also be realistic. The times I will achieve at Nationals are challenging yet realistic. I understand I will be competing against some of the best skaters in the nation. It would be unrealistic to challenge myself to win the competition, against Olympians! But I must also push myself.

Our young athletes must also take ownership.

Notice I said "I WILL..." this phrasing will not afford me the opportunity to fail. If I say "I may..." then I will open myself up to coming short of my goals.


Goals are something every athlete should think about; however, he/she MUST do this for him/her self!

No Athlete is too young. I always say...(every morning)... To be a champion one day... I must train like one now!

Greetings from Salt Lake!

-Kyle Essex