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Is Your Horse Bridled Properly?

Written by Jordan Snider | Sep 21, 2018 9:00:40 AM

HorseClicks shares a guide for beginners to bridle their horse and even more seasoned riders can benefit from checking to make sure that their process is accurate.

Some prep steps:

  • Before you starts, always halter your horse first and secure the lead line close to ensure a smooth experience.
  • Do the routine checks to make that your tack is in appropriate order. When everything is prepared, be standing on the left hand side of your horse.

Bridling your horse:

Fitting the bridle:

"Get your horse to drop its head by gently putting your closest hand between both ears - facing towards its nose - and pushing down towards the ground. This is a gentle guidance, there’s no need for force here.  Now you can grab the bridle and hold it so you can easily distinguish between the reins and the mouthpiece. Take the mouthpiece section and begin to move it towards the lips of your horse - your horse should respond by opening their mouth.  You should take this opportunity to slide the bit in between the horses lips. This shouldn’t be hard to do as most horses will find this movement comfortable. But if it's proving slightly trickier, don’t rush it. The horse will respond in their own time so there’s no need to be aggressive.  As you complete this movement, you’ll find that you’ll be able to pull the headstall over its head using your other hand. That’s the basics complete, the bridle is practically on, besides the adaptations you need to make next."

Making any adjustments:

"The first adjustments you should make will be regarding the main face straps on either side of your horse’s head. These should be secured quite tightly, until you start to see the skin loosen at the edge of your horse's mouth. Although it should be fairly tight, you shouldn’t be pulling the straps hard or fast in any way - this is a gentle, gradual movement.  Now the chin strap can be tightened. This shouldn’t be as tight as the face straps, you need to be able to squeeze two fingers underneath your horse’s chin.  If you haven’t already taken the halter away, it’s appropriate to do so now."

These steps are easy enough and will become quite routine but do follow each of the steps with detailed care, though simple, each step helps to ensure the safety of both you and your horse.

For more information on bridling and bridles:  A beginners guide to bridling a horse

Image Credit:  Future Stars Camps