Future Stars Camps Blog – Sports, Kids, Camp!

A Moment in the Life of Future Stars Campers

Written by Jordan Snider | Oct 17, 2018 9:00:00 AM

Meet Ben! He was attending Multi-Sports camp when I met with him but he is a Future Stars pro! He has been around this summer and last and is such a genuinely sweet kid.


Megan:  Hi Ben! How are you?

Ben:  “I’m good!”

Megan: So, I see you are in Multi-Sports the week, haven’t I seen you in Horseback Riding camp?

Ben: “Yeah, I usually do one week of Horseback riding camp, one week of Multi-Sports camp, and then sometimes Tennis camp, and sometimes Soccer camp.”

Megan:  Wow, awesome!  Anyone you like the most?

Ben: “Do I have to pick one?”

Megan:  No!

Ben:  “I like horseback,  multi-sport, soccer, and tennis”

Megan:  So all of them?

Ben: “Yeah!”

Megan:  Awesome.  So, how old are you?

Ben:   “I am 10, and I am going into 6th grade.”

Megan:  Cool! So, what do you like to do during the school year?

Ben:   “I play a lot of sports.  I play tennis, swimming, skiing, lacrosse, baseball, and other stuff I can’t think of right now.”

Megan:  Woah, you really are active! Maybe multi-sports is the perfect fit then! So what is your favorite part about multi-sports?

Ben:   “I like playing gaga, capture the flag, and swimming.  I also like meeting new friends.”

Megan:  So, what does your day usually consist of?

Ben:   “A lot of different things.  In the morning, sometimes we play the world cup(soccer), and maybe some two-hand touch football, and maybe some gaga or capture the flag.  We also go swimming and eat lunch and then play other sports in the afternoon.”

Megan:  Do you have any siblings?

Ben:   “Yeah, they are both in tennis camp.”

Megan:  So, what has Future Stars Camps taught you?

Ben:   “I learned how to ride at horseback riding, I learned how to play better in tennis, and I learned new ball techniques in soccer.”

Megan:  Do you have any counselors that you like a lot?

Ben:   “Yeah, I like Izzy, Francis, Adia, Natlia, and Melissa”

Megan: It was great talking with you Ben and I will see you around.


Image Credit:  Future Stars Camps