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Is It Safe to Go Back to Camp?

Written by Jordan Snider | Jun 1, 2021 1:20:39 PM

This past year has brought a dramatic change to the lives of children around the globe. 


With social distancing requirements and endless pandemic regulations, many of the activities children have grown to enjoy have been canceled. Schools have gone virtual. Screen time has shot up drastically. Video games and Zoom calls with relatives are all too familiar. 

However, as the pandemic is starting to slow down, restrictions and regulations are beginning to loosen.  Because of this, the thought of kids trading in their tablets and virtual phone calls for summer camp activities is likely a welcome sight for parents everywhere. 

The question is: With the pandemic still looming over our heads in some capacity, is it safe for children to go back to summer camp?

We’re here to answer some of the frequently asked questions regarding camp safety and provide a clear picture of how summer camp will work with pandemic regulations in effect.

Is Camp Open This Year? 

As we’ve mentioned above, the pandemic seems to be slowing down. With the regulations and restrictions loosening, summer camps are allowed to operate (with some rules and regulations of their own).

Future Stars camps will be held during their normal times: Beginning in mid-June and running until late August. 

To get a better understanding of which sites are providing which camps at different times, check out our camp forms page and choose the location you’re interested in. 

What are the COVID Protocols? 

Future Stars is dedicated to both providing a fun and fulfilling camp experience and ensuring the safety of our campers. Because of this, we’ve come up with a set of protocols and guidelines concerning the various aspects of camp life. These include:

  • Health Screening Procedures - Future Stars will be monitoring the health of campers AND staff through several different procedures, including arrival health screening, barring the entrance of campers or staff showing symptoms of illness, and submitting health forms before attending camp.
  • Groups/Cohorts - To aid with social distancing, campers will be grouped into smaller cohorts. This will help ensure minimal contact between campers. 
  • Activities - Camp activities will be modified to reduce contact between campers wherever possible. Should activities need to be conducted inside, multiple indoor areas will be used to further adhere to social distancing requirements.
  • Cleaning/Disinfecting - Hand sanitizing stations will be scattered throughout the camp area and are to be used upon arrival, between activities, bathroom breaks, and after the final activities. Frequently touched surfaces and camp equipment will also be disinfected by staff regularly.
  • Water Breaks/Lunch - Campers will be encouraged to bring their own labeled reusable water bottles. Campers will also remain within their group to eat lunch in a designated area, whether indoors or outdoors, at staggered times to promote social distancing. 

For more in-depth information on Future Stars COVID protocols, view our 2021 camp guidelines

The Majority of Our Staff Is Vaccinated 

On top of all of these COVID procedures, the vast majority of our staff at Future Stars have been vaccinated against COVID-19. As the vaccine helps curb the spread even further, combining the vaccine with the above COVID precautions and most of the activities being held outside provides the highest level of safety possible. 


Back to the original question: Is it safe to go back to summer camp? 

The answer is yes. With all of the Future Stars’ COVID protocols and vaccinated staff, we’ve gone to great lengths to ensure the safety of both our campers and staff while maintaining the fun and exciting atmosphere of summer camp. 

With children being forced to spend much of the last year isolated and away from this type of activity, summer camp will be a much-needed breath of fresh air that your children won’t want to miss.