Future Stars Camps Blog – Sports, Kids, Camp!

Both Sides of the Homework Debate

Written by Jordan Snider | Jul 19, 2019 9:00:46 AM

The discussion about the pros and cons of homework has gone back and forth for quite some time.  There's been a lot of research done and the results go either way.  Here is what a teacher with 18 years of experience has to share with you:


  • teachers can use homework as an opportunity for students to practice nightly new concepts they have learned thus allowing the class to move along more speedily through lessons and spending less time reviewing concepts
  • parents can use homework as a way to see the learning going on in the classroom
  • students practice and learn time management, organizational schools, and prioritizing their after-school activities


  • is not an accurate assessment of students' work because parental input cannot be measured
  • can be "busy work" and may not have intrinsic value.
  • if students didn't grasp the concepts then they could be practicing the skills incorrectly
  • when homework is beyond parental abilities, homework becomes an added stress factor for all
  • teachers spend a lot of time prepping homework activities and some families aren't interested in having their kids do their homework
  • finally, kids need time to be kids

"So... what's the solution?? In my classroom, I have found a way to satisfy the families who actually WANT homework while not spending hours and hours of time in preparation for those families who don't care about it at all. Once a month, I send home a Homework Bingo card. I challenge my students to fill a line or two (or the entire card!) yet I require nothing be returned to school. I am happy to celebrate with my students who DO accomplish this, and there's no pressure on the families who, for whatever reason, do not participate. For me, it is a Win-Win!"


For full article:  The Great Homework Debate, Is it Worth It?

For more information about the Academic program at Purchase, or to enroll, visit our Academic camp page, today.

Image Credit:  Future Stars Camps