Future Stars Camps Blog – Sports, Kids, Camp!

Spotlight on Mike Darland

Written by Jordan Snider | Dec 11, 2019 10:00:39 AM

"Our primary goal is to help campers enrich their talents, explore new frontiers and develop appropriate social dynamic skills that will serve them well as they move through this complex and challenging world.” - Bill Griffin, co-founder

We are proud to be a family tradition.  Enjoy getting to know our Future Stars Camps family. If there is someone at Future Stars Camps that you want to know more about, let us know at:  purchase@fscamps.com


Meet Mike Darland, in his 10th year as Diving Camp Director, Future Stars Camps.   U.S. Diving Coach Darland is owner and head coach of High Dive Champions age group diving team of New York.


What was your most memorable 2018 winter moment?
Mike:  Skiing in Park City at the Canyons.*

What are you most looking forward to at camp this summer?
Mike:  Teaching new divers, the forwards 1 ½ somersault off the high dive!

What are your hobbies?
Mike:  Surfing, wakeboarding and photography.

What is your favorite memory from camp?
Mike:  Every year our Friday Diving Meets where all the divers compete with their new dives and the parents come to cheer on their hard work.

Which part of your job do you enjoy the most?
Mike:  Teaching the thrill of learning a new dive!

What song do you play most often?
Mike:  My favorite song to play on an acoustic guitar is Elton John’s “Your Song”.

Which exercise do you enjoy the most?
Mike:  Bouncing and doing flips on a trampoline.

What’s your favorite comfort food?
Mike:  Mincemeat pie and carrot cake.

If you could be the better at something, what would you choose?
Mike:  Sailing yachts

What do you miss most about being a kid?
Mike:  Rec nights on Friday nights.

Who is your favorite fictional character?
Mike:  Jack Ryan.

What kind of movies do you enjoy?
Mike:  Spy thrillers.

What’s your favorite outdoor activity/indoor activity?
Mike:  Diving indoors and out.

What was the first thing you bought with your own money?
Mike:  A leather jacket and a camera. I take the best pictures ever! Check out pictures of Future Stars, Diving, Water Sports and the best people and places around the world at: michaeldarland.smugmug.com

What is your favorite quote?
Mike:  Just Do It! - Nike


For more information about the variety of Multi-Sports programs at Purchase, or to enroll, visit our Diving Camp page,  today.

Image Credit:  Michael Darland

*Interview responses are from the Spring 2019