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What is the difference between STEM and STEAM?

Written by Jordan Snider | Nov 5, 2018 10:00:37 AM

STEM or STEAM, do you understand the difference between the two?  The Conversation shares,  "For educators, there is now a greater need for science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) concepts to integrate with the arts (STEAM) across the wider curriculum."

Hire-able employees of the future, according to business and industry leaders should possess multiple areas of expertise or at least have an understanding how a variety of skills are inter-connected.

"Teachers working in cross-curricular STEAM settings often see their students making connections between concepts and solving problems in new and exciting ways. They demonstrate this by active engagement, their discoveries visible in enthusiastic “aha” moments."

So how are STEM and STEAM different?  STEM is :

  • STEM is science, technology, engineering and math.


    • STEAM is STEM with the addition of  arts which includes humanities, language arts, dance, drama, music, visual arts, design and new media.

"The main difference between STEM and STEAM is STEM explicitly focuses on scientific concepts. STEAM investigates the same concepts, but does this through inquiry and problem-based learning methods used in the creative process."

Keep in mind that STEAM is not something that just came about.   Take the time to explore and appreciate how Leonardo Da Vinci, indigenous Australians and others had combined arts and sciences to make new discoveries.

For in-depth information:  Explainer: what’s the difference between STEM and STEAM?

Image Credit:  Future Stars Camps