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What Kind of Training Should Summer Camp Staff Have?

Written by Jordan Snider | Mar 9, 2023 12:52:00 PM

When summer camp season approaches and you begin exploring the types of camps available to your child, there are many questions that you might have as a concerned parent or guardian.
Perhaps one of the most important things on your mind is the training and certifications held by camp counselors and staff. 

It’s natural to wonder—when you send your child to camp, you want them to have the best experience possible. A summer camp with staff trained in safety practices, how to work with children, and with extensive experience in their field are the hallmarks of a great camp.

We certainly can’t speak for other summer camps. However, we can tell you all about how Future Stars takes this aspect of camp seriously. Here’s what you need to know about the training and certifications held by Future Stars camp directors and staff. 

Safety and First Aid

The most important part of sending your child to camp is knowing they will be safe there. At Future Stars, we ensure that our camp staff and counselors have the right training to keep campers safe and deal with surprise scenarios effectively.

For example, many of our camp staff members have CPR and first aid certifications. We make sure that at least a few of our staff on-site for every program have up-to-date certifications in these two fields.

Working with Children

Providing the unforgettable camp experience that Future Stars is known for starts with our camp staff. 

When it comes to hiring staff, we make sure that we’re choosing the right people. Our staff has extensive experience working with children to keep them safe and provide them with the best possible experience. This is why our campers are excited to come back to camp year after year!

While we do take experience into consideration, all of our staff receive further training once hired. This training covers everything from how to properly organize our summer camp programs to dealing with behavioral situations when they arise.

When you send your child to a Future Stars summer camp, you can rest assured that your child is getting a camp experience provided by the best of the best.

Experience and Accolades

Although our primary goal for campers is to provide a camp environment that promotes making lifelong friends and memories, we also want to help them excel in their interests. This is why we exclusively choose camp counselors that are well-educated and experienced in their field.

In sports, many of our coaches or camp counselors have extensive experience in both playing and coaching at various levels, from high school to college—and even at a professional level in some cases.

For example, our Farmingdale location’s basketball program is headed up by Glen Steinberg. Glen has twenty years of experience, coached three separate youth teams to championships, and served as head coach at an academy hosted by former NBA star Vince Carter. 

Similarly, our baseball camp at SUNY Purchase is directed by Adam Taraska—a coach who instructed players that went on to play for various MLB teams, including the Seattle Mariners and San Diego Padres.

Our academics-based camps follow a similar formula, with many of our STEAM camp directors having similar credentials. The Farmingdale STEAM camp director, Jon Monath, has over a decade of experience working in computer-aided design and in the engineering field.

At Future Stars, we know that playing and learning with confidence, enthusiasm, and a genuine love for any activity has its foundations in great staff.

Ready to Enroll?

It’s never too early to prepare for summer camp and get your child enrolled. If you want to give your child the gift of an incredible summer camp experience, enroll at a Future Stars summer camp today!