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Starting Field Hockey: A Guide For New Players & Parents

Posted by Jordan Snider on Sep 23, 2019 5:00:58 AM

Whether you're a parent looking to get your child involved in a new sport or a young athlete ready to hit the field, field hockey is a fantastic choice. 

This dynamic and fast-paced game is gaining popularity among kids everywhere — and for good reasons. From making new friends to staying active, field hockey offers a blend of fun and fitness that keeps players coming back for more. 


So, grab your stick, put on your cleats, and let’s dive into everything you need to know to get started!

What is Field Hockey?

Field hockey is a thrilling team sport that combines speed, skill, and strategy. Played on grass or artificial turf, the game involves two teams of eleven players each, including a goalkeeper. 

The main objective is to score goals by hitting a small, hard ball into the opposing team's net using a specially designed stick with a curved end.

Brief History of Field Hockey

Field hockey has a fascinating history that spans thousands of years and several continents. 
Imagine ancient civilizations like Greece, Egypt, and Persia playing early versions of this game with sticks and balls — it’s pretty amazing! 

The modern version of field hockey we love today took shape in England during the late 19th century. Picture Victorian-era players in their long skirts and caps, skillfully maneuvering the ball across grassy fields.

As the sport's popularity grew, it spread across Europe and into the British colonies, especially India and Pakistan, where it became hugely popular. Field hockey made its Olympic debut in 1908 for men and 1980 for women, cementing its status as a global sport. 

Today, field hockey is played and enjoyed by millions worldwide, from school fields to Olympic stadiums. It's a sport with a rich heritage and an exciting future – perfect for kids looking to join a game with history and heart.

Basic Rules of Field Hockey

Field hockey is an action-packed sport played on a rectangular field, typically 100 yards long and 60 yards wide. The game starts with a pass-back from the center of the field, and from there, it's a thrilling race to score goals. 

Players use their sticks to dribble, pass, and shoot the ball, aiming to outscore the opposing team. The team with the most goals at the end of the match takes home the win.

Some fundamental rules to keep in mind:

  • Stick play - Only the flat side of the stick can be used to hit the ball. This rule adds to the challenge and requires players to develop outstanding stick-handling skills.
  • No hands or feet - Players can’t use their feet or any other part of their body to control the ball, except for the goalkeeper within the shooting circle. This keeps the game fast and focused on stick skills.
  • Scoring goals - A goal is scored when the ball is hit into the goal from within the shooting circle. Precision and teamwork are crucial to get those points on the board.

Field hockey is a fast-paced, exciting sport that challenges players' physical and mental skills. Whether new to the game or looking to deepen your understanding, field hockey offers endless opportunities for growth, fun, and competition.

Why Field Hockey is Gaining Popularity

Field hockey is quickly becoming a favorite sport among kids, and it's easy to see why! With its blend of physical activity, teamwork, and the chance to make new friends, field hockey offers something for everyone.

Health and Fitness Benefits

Field hockey is a fantastic way for kids to stay active and healthy. The game involves lots of running, which boosts cardiovascular health, builds endurance, and strengthens muscles. 

Plus, the quick movements and stick handling improve agility and coordination. It's an all-around workout that's packed with good times and excitement!

Teamwork and Social Skills

Being part of a field hockey team teaches kids invaluable lessons in teamwork and communication. Players must work together, strategize, and support each other to achieve success on the field. Off the field, friendships form as kids bond over shared experiences and victories. These social skills are essential for personal growth and are carried over into other areas of life.

Growing Number of Youth Leagues and School Program

The rise in popularity of field hockey is also due to the increasing number of youth leagues and school programs. 

More schools and community centers are offering field hockey as a part of their sports curriculum, making it accessible to a larger number of kids. These programs provide a structured environment for learning the game, improving skills, and competing in an enjoyable and supportive setting.

Whether you're a seasoned player or just starting out, field hockey has something to offer everyone!

Choosing the Right Field Hockey Equipment

Getting the right equipment is vital to having a great time on the field and playing your best. 

Here’s a breakdown of what you need to get started in field hockey:

The Importance of a Good Field Hockey Stick

Your field hockey stick is like your trusty sidekick — it can make a huge difference in your game. 


Modern sticks are often composites of two or more materials. They are highly recommended for their lightweight and durable properties, providing excellent power and precision for various skill levels. 

Options include:

  • Fiberglass sticks - Fiberglass sticks are all about flexibility and shock absorption — ideal for beginners and intermediate players.
  • Carbon fiber sticks - Valued for stiffness and robustness, carbon fiber sticks offer elite players enhanced control and power.
  • Wooden sticks - Wooden sticks are suitable for developing basic skills and are recommended for their affordability. Today, wooden sticks are often reinforced with other materials.
  • Kevlar sticks - Known for their vibration-dampening capabilities, they are often chosen by players seeking reduced impact on wrists and elbows.

Length and Weight Considerations

  • Length - The stick's length should be based on the player’s height. A stick that reaches the hip bone when standing straight is a good fit. Shorter sticks offer better control, while longer sticks provide greater reach.
  • Weight - Lighter sticks are easier to handle and are ideal for younger players, while heavier sticks can generate more powerful hits and are suitable for older or more experienced players.

Other Equipment

Beyond the stick, you’ll need a few more pieces of gear to ensure safety and performance on the field:

  • Shin guards - These are crucial for protecting your lower legs from accidental hits and injuries. Make sure they cover from your ankle to just below the knee.
  • Mouthguard - A mouthguard is essential to protect your teeth and gums. It’s a must-have in a sport that involves high-speed balls and close contact.
  • Cleats - Invest in field hockey-specific cleats for better grip and maneuverability on the field. They help prevent slipping and provide the stability needed for quick changes in direction.

With the right equipment, you’ll be ready to play safely and confidently, giving you the best chance to develop your skills and enjoy the game. 

Mastering Stick Skills

Mastering your stick skills is the secret sauce to becoming a standout field hockey player. 


With consistent practice and the right techniques, you’ll be weaving through defenders and scoring goals like a pro in no time. Let's dive into how regular practice and some essential drills can help you level up your game.

Consistent Practice

Regular practice is your best friend when it comes to improving your stick skills. 

By setting aside time each week to work on your moves, you'll build muscle memory, boost coordination, and gain confidence on the field. Practice really does make perfect, and with field hockey, the more you practice, the more natural and effortless your skills will become.

Essential Drills for Beginners

Here are some key drills to help you get started and take your stick skills to the next level:

Dribbling: Techniques for Control and Speed

Dribbling is all about keeping control of the ball while moving at different speeds. Start with basic dribbling, keeping the ball close to your stick. As you get more comfortable, speed it up and practice weaving through cones or other obstacles to enhance your control and agility. You’ll be zipping around defenders in no time!

Dodging: Evasive Maneuvers to Get Past Opponents

Dodging is your go-to move for getting past defenders. Practice different dodging techniques, like the Indian dribble (quick side-to-side movements) and the reverse stick dodge (using the back of your stick to change direction). 

These moves will help you outsmart your opponents and keep the ball in your possession!

Hitting: Practicing Accuracy and Power in Shots

Hitting the ball accurately and with power is key to scoring those game-winning goals. 

Start with stationary hits, focusing on your grip, stance, and swing. Gradually move to hitting the ball on the run and aiming at targets to improve your accuracy. 

With consistent practice, you’ll develop a powerful and precise shot that will leave goalkeepers guessing!

Tackling: Defensive Strategies to Regain Possession

There are two sides to the game — well-rounded players need great defensive tactics!
Tackling is a crucial defensive skill to regain possession from your opponents. Practice the basic block tackle, where you use your stick to block the ball, and the jab tackle, where you poke the ball away from your opponent. 

Positioning and timing are critical here — get these down, and you'll be a defensive powerhouse, intercepting passes and stopping attackers in their tracks.

By focusing on these drills and committing to regular practice, you'll build a solid foundation in stick skills, making you a more effective and confident player on the field. Keep practicing, stay determined, and watch your skills soar!

Learning Through Observation

One of the best ways to improve your field hockey skills is by watching the pros in action. Observing high-level play, whether it's professional, college, or Olympic games, can be both inspiring and educational. Here’s how soaking in the skills of top players can give you a major boost.

Watching Professional, College, and Olympic Games 

Tuning into professional, college, and Olympic field hockey games is like having a front-row seat to a masterclass. Watching these games helps you see the sport played at its highest level, showcasing the skills, strategies, and teamwork that make field hockey so exciting.

Benefits of Observing High-Level Play

  • Inspiration - Watching the best players in the world can light a fire in you to work harder and aim higher. Seeing their dedication and skill can motivate you to reach your own field hockey goals.
  • Education - You can learn a lot just by watching. Pay attention to how players handle the ball, position themselves, and interact with their teammates. It’s a great way to pick up new techniques and understand the game better.

Skills to Watch For 

While you're watching, focus on specific skills and strategies that top players use. Here are some key areas to pay attention to:

  • Ball control - Notice how players keep the ball close to their stick and maneuver around defenders with ease.
  • Passing and shooting - Watch the precision and power in their passes and shots. Look for different techniques like drag flicks, slap shots, and flick passes.
  • Defense - See how defenders tackle and intercept the ball, positioning themselves to block opponents and regain possession.
  • Positioning - Observe where players are on the field during different phases of the game. Good positioning helps with both defense and creating scoring opportunities.
  • Teamwork - Watch how players communicate and work together. Teamwork is crucial in field hockey, and seeing it in action can teach you how to better support your teammates and play cohesively.

Regularly watching high-level field hockey lets you pick up valuable insights and tips that will help you improve your game. It’s like getting a free lesson from the best in the sport!

Joining a League or Camp

Joining a field hockey camp or league is one of the best ways to dive into the sport, improve your skills, and have a blast. 

Camps and leagues offer structured environments that are perfect for learning and growing as a player. For example, Future Stars summer field hockey camp is ideal for kids from beginners to veterans to learn more about field hockey.  

Let’s explore why they’re so beneficial and how to find the right one for you.

Finding Local Resources

There are plenty of resources out there to help you find a field hockey camp or league. These programs provide the perfect setting for learning the game, practicing your skills, and playing in real matches.

Benefits of Structured Learning Environments

  • Coaching - Get tips and guidance from experienced coaches who can help you develop your skills and better understand the game.
  • Routine practice - Regular practice sessions help build consistency and improve your overall performance.
  • Team play - Playing with and against others in a structured setting helps you learn teamwork and strategy.

Opportunities for Game Experience and Skill Development

  • Match play - Camps and leagues often include matches where you can put your skills to the test in real game situations.
  • Skill drills - Focused drills help you work on specific areas like dribbling, passing, and shooting.
  • Feedback - Regular feedback from coaches and peers can help you identify areas for improvement and track your progress.

How to Find Camps and Leagues 

Finding the right camp or league is easier. Here are some tips on where to look:

  • Websites - Many field hockey organizations have websites listing local camps and leagues. Websites like USA Field Hockey are great starting points.
  • Social media - Follow local sports groups and field hockey pages on social media to stay updated on upcoming camps and leagues!
  • Community centers - Check with your local community center or sports complex. They often host or have information about field hockey programs.
  • School programs - Many schools offer field hockey as part of their sports curriculum. Check with your school’s athletic department for information on teams and leagues.

Help Your Kids Master Field Hockey at a Field Hockey Summer Camp

There’s no better place for kids to start out in field hockey than at a summer camp!
Here’s the thing: you’ll want to ensure you’re choosing the right one. 

The Future Stars Camp Comparison Checklist lets you easily compare and contrast field hockey camp costs, activities, dates, and locations.

Access the Camp Comparison Checklist today and find a field hockey camp your child will love!

Get the Checklist

Topics: Views, Field Hockey


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