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Improve Your Rock Climbing

Posted by Jordan Snider on May 24, 2019 5:00:34 AM

Jonathan Siegrist, shared in Climbing that the best way to improve your climbing is just to climb.  Jonathan is 32 and has been climbing for 13 years.  More recently, he notes that there is a lot of interest in training and climbers almost always ask him for training tips.  Jonathan has a very simple response, "Go climbing often, try hard, and take the long view."

The reality is that there no short-cut, it takes years to become top grade. "Climbing hard requires strength, but of equal importance is skill."  Here are some of the skills that you need that only years of practice can develop:

  • careful footwork
  • efficient movement
  • proper cadence

Strength is important, but it takes patience and the mental ability to process failure as well.  Here are some things  to work on:

  • climb often
  • work hard and challenge yourself
  • inter-change climbing disciplines to learn new techniques (trad, sport, bouldering)
  • experiment with different rock types
  • find a project that excites you and is challenging

Sport climbing will be making its Olympic debut in Tokyo 2020.  Enjoy and be safe.


For details:  Jonathan Siegrist: Climb to Train—How to Improve by Simply Climbing

For more information about the Adventure Camp at Purchase college, visit our program page which includes session dates, weekly itineraries, and enrollment information.

Image Credit:  Future Stars Camps

Topics: Views, Adventure, Rock Climbing


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