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Youth Lacrosse Programs For Kids: What to Look For

Posted by Jordan Snider on Sep 6, 2019 5:00:02 AM

Is your child thinking about playing lacrosse this year?

Selecting the right lacrosse program is more than just a game decision — it's a pivotal choice that can shape your child's development and enhance their enjoyment of the sport. 

lacrosse camp

With the right program, your child will not only improve their skills but also foster a love for the game, making every practice and match a fun and rewarding experience. 

Let's discover how to choose a lacrosse program that's a perfect match for your child's aspirations and enthusiasm.

What is Your Child Looking to Get Out of Their Lacrosse Program?

Every child steps onto the lacrosse field with a different set of goals and expectations, and that’s okay. 

Some may be looking to sharpen their skills and compete at higher levels, while others might be more interested in the social aspects, like making new friends and having fun. 

Either way, you’ll need to consider what motivates your child to play lacrosse. This will guide you in choosing the right program that aligns with their interests and your family's expectations.

Reasons For Playing

Ask your child why they want to play lacrosse. 

Is it to follow in the footsteps of a sibling, to stay active, or perhaps to be part of a team?

Understanding their motivation will help you find a program that keeps them excited and engaged. 

Previous Experience

Consider your child’s current skill level and experience in the sport. 

lacrosse practice

A beginner might thrive in a more recreational setting that focuses on basic skills and game rules, whereas a more experienced player might seek out competitive play to further hone their abilities.

Some leagues and programs cater more toward veterans with an already developed skill set, while other programs are designed to teach newcomers the sport and the fundamentals involved. 

Time Commitment 

Different programs require varying levels of commitment. 

Some might meet multiple times a week for practices and games, while others might be more casual with less frequent gatherings. 

To get the most out of your child’s lacrosse experience, you’ll want to match the program’s schedule with how much time your child can dedicate to lacrosse without overwhelming their routine or sacrificing other interests.

Coaching Styles

Don’t forget about the coaches!

Coaches can greatly influence a child's sports experience. Some coaches emphasize skill development and competition, while others might focus on teamwork and personal growth. 

Consider what coaching style will benefit your child the most and foster a positive and supportive environment. In most cases, you’ll have the chance to meet coaches of a youth lacrosse program and get a feel for how they teach. Take advantage of this — your child will thank you for it!

Exploring Types of Youth Lacrosse Programs

From school teams to summer camps, each type of program offers unique experiences and opportunities. Let's look at what each option brings to the field!

School Programs

School-based lacrosse programs are fantastic for students who want to play with classmates and represent their school. These programs often emphasize team spirit and loyalty, with practices and games scheduled around the school calendar. 

It’s a great way to keep active, make friends within the school, and develop skills in a familiar environment!

Youth Leagues

Community or regional youth leagues are the way to go for those looking to compete a bit more seriously. 

These leagues offer a range of competition levels and typically run during specific seasons, making it easier to plan around. Whether your child is a beginner or ready to play at a higher level, there’s a league for every skill set.

Summer Camps

If your child can’t get enough lacrosse or wants to dramatically improve their skills, summer lacrosse camps are an excellent choice. 

lacrosse boy

These camps often combine intense lacrosse training with fun recreational activities, providing a balanced experience that’s both challenging and enjoyable.

For example, Future Stars offers lacrosse summer camps for all skill levels at the following locations:

It's a perfect setup for summer: improve your game by day and be home for supper!

What to Look For in a Youth Lacrosse Program

Whether it’s school, youth leagues, or a summer lacrosse camp, selecting the right lacrosse program isn't just about finding a place for your child to play. 

It's about choosing an environment where they can grow, learn, and thrive both on and off the field. 

Here’s what to keep an eye out for when evaluating different programs:

Skill Development

A good lacrosse program does far more than simply keep your child busy. It helps them improve!

Look for programs that offer a clear progression path and cater to different skill levels, from beginners to advanced players. Effective programs should have structured training sessions focusing on technique, strategy, and overall physical fitness.

Balance is key—many kids want the opportunity to have fun, make new friends, and hone their skills. 

Coaching Quality

Coaches are the heart of any sports program. They should not only be skilled and knowledgeable about lacrosse but also excellent at communicating with and inspiring young players. 

Check for experience levels and observe how they interact with the players. A coach’s philosophy on competition, practice, and player development should align with what you want for your child.

Safety Measures

Safety should be a top priority. Quality programs will ensure that all coaches and staff are trained in first aid and injury prevention. 

Look for programs that use up-to-date equipment and maintain strict safety protocols both during games and practices to protect players.

Time and Financial Commitment

Understanding the commitment required is key to ensuring it fits into your family’s lifestyle.

Ask about the frequency and duration of practices and matches, and consider how travel to games will affect your schedule. Also, get a clear picture of the costs involved, including registration fees, uniforms, and any additional equipment needed, to ensure the program fits your budget.

Cultural and Social Environment

The best youth sports programs provide a supportive and inclusive environment. They promote teamwork, respect, and sportsmanship. 

lacrosse group photo

It’s important that your child feels welcomed and valued, regardless of their skill level. A positive culture not only enhances their experience but also encourages them to remain engaged and motivated.

Gearing Up For Summer Lacrosse Camp?

If your child is looking to hone their skills and meet forever friends while playing lacrosse, a summer lacrosse camp is an excellent place to start.

You’ll just want to be sure you pick the right one! 

The Future Stars Camp Comparison Checklist lets you easily compare and contrast lacrosse camp costs, activities, dates, and locations.

Access the Camp Comparison Checklist today and find a lacrosse camp your child will love!

Get the Checklist

Topics: Boys Lacrosse


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