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My Journey Into Speed Skating

Posted by Jordan Snider on Jan 30, 2015 3:51:45 AM


My journey into speed skating started not too long ago. It was around 3 years ago that I began. My sophomore year of college saw my Track and Field career come to an end, but my competitive itch was still there. Having been a hockey player and Track runner, I saw speed skating as the only logical option.

That winter break, my sophomore year, I gave this obscure sport a try, right here in our very own Flushing Queens. I was relatively fast but had little technique. I quickly realized that this was going to be something I would have to work at. I began training with two clubs up by my college (Syracuse and Binghamton). Although my skill was lacking it was the knowledge and drive from the other sports that allowed me to succeed. The same lessons I try to instill in our campers at Future Stars.DSCN4583

My Journey followed the same path until this past summer. Knowing I was going to graduate in the fall I began to prepare for the next step in my athletic career. Being a sport that isn’t high profile, there are select few places to train at an elite level. Summer training intensity grew as I was preparing to move to Salt Lake City, Utah. Home of the Fastest ice on earth, and is now the home to myself.

I have been here 3 weeks and have already improved tenfold, but it hasn’t come easy. I train every morning for 2-3 hours, and again at night for 3-5 hours, leaving me little time for a normal job. But it is this kind of commitment that success, at any sport or any goal, requires.

I look forward to keeping you all posted throughout my training, as well as seeing you all this summer!

-Kyle Essex

Kyle has worked at Future Stars Summer Camps at SUNY Old Westbury since 2012 as our Swim Camp "dry land trainer" and our Off-Court Tennis Camp Group Leader.

Topics: Views, skating


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