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Why You Should Attend a Summer Camp Open House

Posted by Jordan Snider on May 7, 2022 4:21:01 PM

Youre Invited! card with a beautiful day

With summer right around the corner, summer camp season is fast approaching. 

For veterans of summer camps, this is exciting news! Campers get to return to their favorite activities, reunite with old friends, and make new ones in the process.

There’s always a sense of excitement for newer campers as well. Trying new things for the first time always feels like a brand new adventure.

For parents looking to ensure that their children are fully prepared for camp, attending an open house can help.

Here are 5 reasons why you should attend a summer camp open house before the season starts. 

Get a Chance to Meet Camp Staff

Sending your child to summer camp for the first time can be nerve-racking—for both you and your child. 

For camp veterans, it might be easy. However, for those new to camp, getting a chance to meet their instructors and camp staff can help ease them into their first day when it comes. Meeting camp staff at an open house allows them to form connections before camp starts to cure some of the nervousness. 

Parents benefit from meeting camp staff as well. It gives them the chance to become familiar with the instructors and staff that will be looking after their children and instructing them in their various activities. 

Get a Feel for the Facilities and What They Offer

Sure, you could browse online photos of every camp facility (if they have them), but does that really compare to seeing the real thing?

Touring the summer camp facilities during an open house lets you see the quality of the facilities firsthand. You’ll be able to see how they’re maintained, the types of facilities that they have, and the level of cleanliness as well. An open house might not give you the opportunity to tour every corner of the area, but it should give you a better understanding than a selection of photos online. 

Get Questions Answered in Person

Emails and phone calls are convenient. There’s no questioning that. Many camps also have a helpful FAQ section on their websites that can help get some of your questions answered.

However, nothing beats the opportunity to get all of your summer camp questions answered in person. After all, that’s what open houses are all about!

Ask questions about camp programs, safety, swimming, and more. The camp staff at an open house are ready to answer any questions and have both parents and campers leaving confident about summer camp this year. 

Help Your Camper Understand Where to Go On the First Day  

The first day of camp is similar to the first day of school—it’s an exciting time, but a certain amount of direction is needed. Camp staff is aware of the nervousness surrounding the first day of camp and they’re ready to create a comforting and welcoming environment for newcomers.

Attending a summer camp open house can help as well. Open houses give your camper a chance to get ahead of the curve and learn where to go and what to expect on the first day. When the first day of camp finally comes, your camper will be ready. 

Help Shy Children Get Accustomed to the Environment 

For a shy child, going to summer camp for the first time can be a great way to increase their overall confidence.

Attending an open house helps shy children become familiar with their new surroundings. It may not completely eliminate their first day jitters, but it will certainly help them feel more comfortable about heading to camp when they’re able to familiarize themselves with the facilities, meet their instructors, and even meet some new campers who are also attending the open house. 

Questions About Summer Camp Open Houses?

Future Stars has some upcoming open houses for our own camps. We know all about the importance and the benefits of attending these open houses for parents and campers. We are also available to meet you individually to show you the facilities and help you find the right fit for your child. Reach out to us. We’ll get your questions answered. 


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