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What is the Future Stars Lunch Program?

Posted by Jordan Snider on Jun 23, 2022 9:00:00 AM

Summer camp season is nearly here—are you ready?

Enrollment for summer camp is an exciting time. After you start filling out the forms, you start to feel that sense of excitement, knowing that your child will have an unforgettable summer.

We like to maintain a straightforward, seamless enrollment process at Future Stars to amplify this excitement. However, there are a few extras to consider when enrolling at Future Stars.

One of those extras is the Future Stars lunch program.

Below, we’ll highlight some of the most common questions we get about our lunch programs, from locations to dietary considerations and more.

What is the Future Stars Lunch Program, and How Do I Opt My Child In?

The Future Stars lunch program provides nutritious and tasty lunches to campers who have opted into the program. 

Since we like to keep enrollment as simple as possible, it’s easy to opt into the Future Stars lunch program. Once you’re filling out the application form, there’s a section at the bottom devoted to extras. There, you’ll find a checkbox for the lunch program:

Screen capture of the registration form showing lunch option.

Where is the Future Stars Lunch Program Offered?

Unfortunately, we don’t offer our lunch program at every Future Stars location. 

Parents can opt into the Future Stars lunch program at the following locations:

  • Syosset
  • Farmingdale
  • Southampton

Campers attending our other locations will need to pack their lunches for the time being. 

Two cute boys laying on ground in nature and happily eating healthy food

What Kinds of Lunches Are Served? 

The types of lunches depend on the location, with each location offering an individually customized lunch plan. 

For example, Future Stars at Syosset has a cafeteria for campers to attend during lunch, whereas Farmingdale offers deli-style lunches. 

One important thing to note is our dedication to accommodating allergies and dietary restrictions. If your child has allergies or specific dietary requirements, we can work with you to ensure that your child has a lunch that works for them. For more information, you can always contact us. 

After enrollment, parents will receive an information packet that includes more specifics about the lunches offered at each location. 

Future Stars Lunch Program Costs

Since the lunch program is considered an extra, there is a cost attached. 

The lunch program cost for Syosset and Farmingdale is currently $60 per week, and at the Southampton location, it’s $70 per week. 

Parents Can Always Send Campers With Homemade Lunches

Although our lunch program caters to the needs of all campers, we understand that some parents prefer to send their children with homemade food every day. 

In fact, we’ve even put together a list of some of our favorite lunch ideas to help parents decide what to send. 

Whether you want to take advantage of our lunch program or do it yourself, it’s up to you!

Questions About the Future Stars Lunch Program?

The staff at Future Stars are happy to answer any questions you have about the lunch program—or any other camp-related topic. Reach out to us. We have the answer.

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Topics: Camper experience, nutrition


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